I recently started learning JavaScript through my Software Engineering class and I must say, I like the shortcuts and non complicated way it works. Compared to the programming languages like C, C++, Java, and Lisp, it is much more relaxed. It allows you to return different value types from a single function (can return String or int data types within same function), arrays do not have to have a type and can have all different types in them. I think JavaScript is a bad “first” language to learn as it will make you lazy when using other languages, as you will likely make trivial mistakes. Or worse, the trivial mistakes will become bad habits and can be even more costlier and frustrating. But, the capabilities and freedom it seems to allow the programmer to have make it a very powerful language. The language may not be the most glamorous, but the experience definitely is.
In the same Software Engineering class, we have a Workout Of the Day (WOD) and it is a simple problem which you would practice solving everyday, until you can solve it at a proficient speed. The goal is to teach a concept and ingrain the practical use of it in your brain. I found these practice WODs to be very useful, as it teaches to answer questions in a reasonable amount of time and makes you rethink your problem solving process. Critical thinking skills will be very useful in any career field and life in general. Although it is sometimes stressful, it makes you accustomed to the environment and allows you to be able to do quick thinking which will most likely come in handy in the future. It definitely works for me, (although I think crossfit is overrated, which is where this concept of WODs came from)!